• Check in Time : 1400hrs (full day charge for early check in before 7 am).
  • Checkout Time : 1100hrs (50% charge for late checkout till 1800hrs, post 1800hrs full day charge shall apply).
  • Early check in and late checkout is subject to availability.
  • Hookah and Arms are not allowed at the property.
  • The property is pet friendly.
  • The property is women friendly.
  • Outside food is not allowed in the hotel.
  • Free Breakfast for children under 5 yrs. of age if the room includes breakfast.
  • Children from 6yrs – 12yrs will be charged 50% amount of breakfast.
  • Room category varies with each room category however maximum of 3 adults can stay in a single room by paying an additional amount for the extra person.
  • Guest under 18yrs of age are allowed either with parents or guardian.
  • Smoking on the premises is allowed in the open area only.
  • Rooms together on the same floor or in the cluster are subject to availability.
  • The hotel reserves the right to charge for the entire duration of the stay in the event of early departure.
  • Guests will be held responsible for any loss or damage to the hotel property caused by themselves, their friends or any person for whom they are responsible.
  • The Management reserves to itself the absolute right of admission to any person in the hotel premises and to request any guest to vacate his or her room at any moment without previous notice, In case of default the management will be entitled to remove the luggage and belongings of the visitors from the room occupied by him or her and lock the room.
  • The management shall not be responsible for any injury or ill health resulting from the use of any hotel facilities or accident occur in hotel premises in cause of guest stay.
  • No personal servants/ maids are allowed to wait upon or stay either in room or any other area. In case of no such events the guest needs to book an additional room for him/her.
  • Visitors are allowed for the duration of maximum of 4 hrs in the day time from 9AM - 6PM
  • In the case of events, catering will be done in-house only. Guests cannot bring the outside caterer in the hotel premises

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy Charges
Cancelled 7 days prior to the check-in 100% refund of the advance paid
Cancelled between 4-7 days prior 50% refund of the advance paid
Cancelled 3 days prior to the check-in 100% retention of the advance paid
No Show 100% retention of the advance paid